* Copyright 2018-2020 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.bremersee.common.model;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
* ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3 country codes from Java Locale.
* @author Christian Bremer
public enum ThreeLetterCountryCode {
* Aruba (ABW).
ABW("ABW", TwoLetterCountryCode.AW),
* Afghanistan (AFG).
AFG("AFG", TwoLetterCountryCode.AF),
* Angola (AGO).
AGO("AGO", TwoLetterCountryCode.AO),
* Anguilla (AIA).
AIA("AIA", TwoLetterCountryCode.AI),
* Ålandinseln (ALA).
ALA("ALA", TwoLetterCountryCode.AX),
* Albanien (ALB).
ALB("ALB", TwoLetterCountryCode.AL),
* Andorra (AND).
AND("AND", TwoLetterCountryCode.AD),
* Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (ARE).
ARE("ARE", TwoLetterCountryCode.AE),
* Argentinien (ARG).
ARG("ARG", TwoLetterCountryCode.AR),
* Armenien (ARM).
ARM("ARM", TwoLetterCountryCode.AM),
* Amerikanisch-Samoa (ASM).
ASM("ASM", TwoLetterCountryCode.AS),
* Antarktis (ATA).
ATA("ATA", TwoLetterCountryCode.AQ),
* Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete (ATF).
ATF("ATF", TwoLetterCountryCode.TF),
* Antigua und Barbuda (ATG).
ATG("ATG", TwoLetterCountryCode.AG),
* Australien (AUS).
AUS("AUS", TwoLetterCountryCode.AU),
* Österreich (AUT).
AUT("AUT", TwoLetterCountryCode.AT),
* Aserbaidschan (AZE).
AZE("AZE", TwoLetterCountryCode.AZ),
* Burundi (BDI).
BDI("BDI", TwoLetterCountryCode.BI),
* Belgien (BEL).
BEL("BEL", TwoLetterCountryCode.BE),
* Benin (BEN).
BEN("BEN", TwoLetterCountryCode.BJ),
* Bonaire, Sint Eustatius und Saba (BES).
BES("BES", TwoLetterCountryCode.BQ),
* Burkina Faso (BFA).
BFA("BFA", TwoLetterCountryCode.BF),
* Bangladesch (BGD).
BGD("BGD", TwoLetterCountryCode.BD),
* Bulgarien (BGR).
BGR("BGR", TwoLetterCountryCode.BG),
* Bahrain (BHR).
BHR("BHR", TwoLetterCountryCode.BH),
* Bahamas (BHS).
BHS("BHS", TwoLetterCountryCode.BS),
* Bosnien und Herzegowina (BIH).
BIH("BIH", TwoLetterCountryCode.BA),
* St. Barthélemy (BLM).
BLM("BLM", TwoLetterCountryCode.BL),
* Belarus (BLR).
BLR("BLR", TwoLetterCountryCode.BY),
* Belize (BLZ).
BLZ("BLZ", TwoLetterCountryCode.BZ),
* Bermuda (BMU).
BMU("BMU", TwoLetterCountryCode.BM),
* Bolivien (BOL).
BOL("BOL", TwoLetterCountryCode.BO),
* Brasilien (BRA).
BRA("BRA", TwoLetterCountryCode.BR),
* Barbados (BRB).
BRB("BRB", TwoLetterCountryCode.BB),
* Brunei Darussalam (BRN).
BRN("BRN", TwoLetterCountryCode.BN),
* Bhutan (BTN).
BTN("BTN", TwoLetterCountryCode.BT),
* Bouvetinsel (BVT).
BVT("BVT", TwoLetterCountryCode.BV),
* Botsuana (BWA).
BWA("BWA", TwoLetterCountryCode.BW),
* Zentralafrikanische Republik (CAF).
CAF("CAF", TwoLetterCountryCode.CF),
* Kanada (CAN).
CAN("CAN", TwoLetterCountryCode.CA),
* Kokosinseln (CCK).
CCK("CCK", TwoLetterCountryCode.CC),
* Schweiz (CHE).
CHE("CHE", TwoLetterCountryCode.CH),
* Chile (CHL).
CHL("CHL", TwoLetterCountryCode.CL),
* China (CHN).
CHN("CHN", TwoLetterCountryCode.CN),
* Côte d’Ivoire (CIV).
CIV("CIV", TwoLetterCountryCode.CI),
* Kamerun (CMR).
CMR("CMR", TwoLetterCountryCode.CM),
* Kongo-Kinshasa (COD).
COD("COD", TwoLetterCountryCode.CD),
* Kongo-Brazzaville (COG).
COG("COG", TwoLetterCountryCode.CG),
* Cookinseln (COK).
COK("COK", TwoLetterCountryCode.CK),
* Kolumbien (COL).
COL("COL", TwoLetterCountryCode.CO),
* Komoren (COM).
COM("COM", TwoLetterCountryCode.KM),
* Cabo Verde (CPV).
CPV("CPV", TwoLetterCountryCode.CV),
* Costa Rica (CRI).
CRI("CRI", TwoLetterCountryCode.CR),
* Kuba (CUB).
CUB("CUB", TwoLetterCountryCode.CU),
* Curaçao (CUW).
CUW("CUW", TwoLetterCountryCode.CW),
* Weihnachtsinsel (CXR).
CXR("CXR", TwoLetterCountryCode.CX),
* Kaimaninseln (CYM).
CYM("CYM", TwoLetterCountryCode.KY),
* Zypern (CYP).
CYP("CYP", TwoLetterCountryCode.CY),
* Tschechien (CZE).
CZE("CZE", TwoLetterCountryCode.CZ),
* Deutschland (DEU).
DEU("DEU", TwoLetterCountryCode.DE),
* Dschibuti (DJI).
DJI("DJI", TwoLetterCountryCode.DJ),
* Dominica (DMA).
DMA("DMA", TwoLetterCountryCode.DM),
* Dänemark (DNK).
DNK("DNK", TwoLetterCountryCode.DK),
* Dominikanische Republik (DOM).
DOM("DOM", TwoLetterCountryCode.DO),
* Algerien (DZA).
DZA("DZA", TwoLetterCountryCode.DZ),
* Ecuador (ECU).
ECU("ECU", TwoLetterCountryCode.EC),
* Ägypten (EGY).
EGY("EGY", TwoLetterCountryCode.EG),
* Eritrea (ERI).
ERI("ERI", TwoLetterCountryCode.ER),
* Westsahara (ESH).
ESH("ESH", TwoLetterCountryCode.EH),
* Spanien (ESP).
ESP("ESP", TwoLetterCountryCode.ES),
* Estland (EST).
EST("EST", TwoLetterCountryCode.EE),
* Äthiopien (ETH).
ETH("ETH", TwoLetterCountryCode.ET),
* Finnland (FIN).
FIN("FIN", TwoLetterCountryCode.FI),
* Fidschi (FJI).
FJI("FJI", TwoLetterCountryCode.FJ),
* Falklandinseln (FLK).
FLK("FLK", TwoLetterCountryCode.FK),
* Frankreich (FRA).
FRA("FRA", TwoLetterCountryCode.FR),
* Färöer (FRO).
FRO("FRO", TwoLetterCountryCode.FO),
* Mikronesien (FSM).
FSM("FSM", TwoLetterCountryCode.FM),
* Gabun (GAB).
GAB("GAB", TwoLetterCountryCode.GA),
* Vereinigtes Königreich (GBR).
GBR("GBR", TwoLetterCountryCode.GB),
* Georgien (GEO).
GEO("GEO", TwoLetterCountryCode.GE),
* Guernsey (GGY).
GGY("GGY", TwoLetterCountryCode.GG),
* Ghana (GHA).
GHA("GHA", TwoLetterCountryCode.GH),
* Gibraltar (GIB).
GIB("GIB", TwoLetterCountryCode.GI),
* Guinea (GIN).
GIN("GIN", TwoLetterCountryCode.GN),
* Guadeloupe (GLP).
GLP("GLP", TwoLetterCountryCode.GP),
* Gambia (GMB).
GMB("GMB", TwoLetterCountryCode.GM),
* Guinea-Bissau (GNB).
GNB("GNB", TwoLetterCountryCode.GW),
* Äquatorialguinea (GNQ).
GNQ("GNQ", TwoLetterCountryCode.GQ),
* Griechenland (GRC).
GRC("GRC", TwoLetterCountryCode.GR),
* Grenada (GRD).
GRD("GRD", TwoLetterCountryCode.GD),
* Grönland (GRL).
GRL("GRL", TwoLetterCountryCode.GL),
* Guatemala (GTM).
GTM("GTM", TwoLetterCountryCode.GT),
* Französisch-Guayana (GUF).
GUF("GUF", TwoLetterCountryCode.GF),
* Guam (GUM).
GUM("GUM", TwoLetterCountryCode.GU),
* Guyana (GUY).
GUY("GUY", TwoLetterCountryCode.GY),
* Sonderverwaltungsregion Hongkong (HKG).
HKG("HKG", TwoLetterCountryCode.HK),
* Heard und McDonaldinseln (HMD).
HMD("HMD", TwoLetterCountryCode.HM),
* Honduras (HND).
HND("HND", TwoLetterCountryCode.HN),
* Kroatien (HRV).
HRV("HRV", TwoLetterCountryCode.HR),
* Haiti (HTI).
HTI("HTI", TwoLetterCountryCode.HT),
* Ungarn (HUN).
HUN("HUN", TwoLetterCountryCode.HU),
* Indonesien (IDN).
IDN("IDN", TwoLetterCountryCode.ID),
* Isle of Man (IMN).
IMN("IMN", TwoLetterCountryCode.IM),
* Indien (IND).
IND("IND", TwoLetterCountryCode.IN),
* Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean (IOT).
IOT("IOT", TwoLetterCountryCode.IO),
* Irland (IRL).
IRL("IRL", TwoLetterCountryCode.IE),
* Iran (IRN).
IRN("IRN", TwoLetterCountryCode.IR),
* Irak (IRQ).
IRQ("IRQ", TwoLetterCountryCode.IQ),
* Island (ISL).
ISL("ISL", TwoLetterCountryCode.IS),
* Israel (ISR).
ISR("ISR", TwoLetterCountryCode.IL),
* Italien (ITA).
ITA("ITA", TwoLetterCountryCode.IT),
* Jamaika (JAM).
JAM("JAM", TwoLetterCountryCode.JM),
* Jersey (JEY).
JEY("JEY", TwoLetterCountryCode.JE),
* Jordanien (JOR).
JOR("JOR", TwoLetterCountryCode.JO),
* Japan (JPN).
JPN("JPN", TwoLetterCountryCode.JP),
* Kasachstan (KAZ).
KAZ("KAZ", TwoLetterCountryCode.KZ),
* Kenia (KEN).
KEN("KEN", TwoLetterCountryCode.KE),
* Kirgisistan (KGZ).
KGZ("KGZ", TwoLetterCountryCode.KG),
* Kambodscha (KHM).
KHM("KHM", TwoLetterCountryCode.KH),
* Kiribati (KIR).
KIR("KIR", TwoLetterCountryCode.KI),
* St. Kitts und Nevis (KNA).
KNA("KNA", TwoLetterCountryCode.KN),
* Südkorea (KOR).
KOR("KOR", TwoLetterCountryCode.KR),
* Kuwait (KWT).
KWT("KWT", TwoLetterCountryCode.KW),
* Laos (LAO).
LAO("LAO", TwoLetterCountryCode.LA),
* Libanon (LBN).
LBN("LBN", TwoLetterCountryCode.LB),
* Liberia (LBR).
LBR("LBR", TwoLetterCountryCode.LR),
* Libyen (LBY).
LBY("LBY", TwoLetterCountryCode.LY),
* St. Lucia (LCA).
LCA("LCA", TwoLetterCountryCode.LC),
* Liechtenstein (LIE).
LIE("LIE", TwoLetterCountryCode.LI),
* Sri Lanka (LKA).
LKA("LKA", TwoLetterCountryCode.LK),
* Lesotho (LSO).
LSO("LSO", TwoLetterCountryCode.LS),
* Litauen (LTU).
LTU("LTU", TwoLetterCountryCode.LT),
* Luxemburg (LUX).
LUX("LUX", TwoLetterCountryCode.LU),
* Lettland (LVA).
LVA("LVA", TwoLetterCountryCode.LV),
* Sonderverwaltungsregion Macau (MAC).
MAC("MAC", TwoLetterCountryCode.MO),
* St. Martin (MAF).
MAF("MAF", TwoLetterCountryCode.MF),
* Marokko (MAR).
MAR("MAR", TwoLetterCountryCode.MA),
* Monaco (MCO).
MCO("MCO", TwoLetterCountryCode.MC),
* Republik Moldau (MDA).
MDA("MDA", TwoLetterCountryCode.MD),
* Madagaskar (MDG).
MDG("MDG", TwoLetterCountryCode.MG),
* Malediven (MDV).
MDV("MDV", TwoLetterCountryCode.MV),
* Mexiko (MEX).
MEX("MEX", TwoLetterCountryCode.MX),
* Marshallinseln (MHL).
MHL("MHL", TwoLetterCountryCode.MH),
* Nordmazedonien (MKD).
MKD("MKD", TwoLetterCountryCode.MK),
* Mali (MLI).
MLI("MLI", TwoLetterCountryCode.ML),
* Malta (MLT).
MLT("MLT", TwoLetterCountryCode.MT),
* Myanmar (MMR).
MMR("MMR", TwoLetterCountryCode.MM),
* Montenegro (MNE).
MNE("MNE", TwoLetterCountryCode.ME),
* Mongolei (MNG).
MNG("MNG", TwoLetterCountryCode.MN),
* Nördliche Marianen (MNP).
MNP("MNP", TwoLetterCountryCode.MP),
* Mosambik (MOZ).
MOZ("MOZ", TwoLetterCountryCode.MZ),
* Mauretanien (MRT).
MRT("MRT", TwoLetterCountryCode.MR),
* Montserrat (MSR).
MSR("MSR", TwoLetterCountryCode.MS),
* Martinique (MTQ).
MTQ("MTQ", TwoLetterCountryCode.MQ),
* Mauritius (MUS).
MUS("MUS", TwoLetterCountryCode.MU),
* Malawi (MWI).
MWI("MWI", TwoLetterCountryCode.MW),
* Malaysia (MYS).
MYS("MYS", TwoLetterCountryCode.MY),
* Mayotte (MYT).
MYT("MYT", TwoLetterCountryCode.YT),
* Namibia (NAM).
NAM("NAM", TwoLetterCountryCode.NA),
* Neukaledonien (NCL).
NCL("NCL", TwoLetterCountryCode.NC),
* Niger (NER).
NER("NER", TwoLetterCountryCode.NE),
* Norfolkinsel (NFK).
NFK("NFK", TwoLetterCountryCode.NF),
* Nigeria (NGA).
NGA("NGA", TwoLetterCountryCode.NG),
* Nicaragua (NIC).
NIC("NIC", TwoLetterCountryCode.NI),
* Niue (NIU).
NIU("NIU", TwoLetterCountryCode.NU),
* Niederlande (NLD).
NLD("NLD", TwoLetterCountryCode.NL),
* Norwegen (NOR).
NOR("NOR", TwoLetterCountryCode.NO),
* Nepal (NPL).
NPL("NPL", TwoLetterCountryCode.NP),
* Nauru (NRU).
NRU("NRU", TwoLetterCountryCode.NR),
* Neuseeland (NZL).
NZL("NZL", TwoLetterCountryCode.NZ),
* Oman (OMN).
OMN("OMN", TwoLetterCountryCode.OM),
* Pakistan (PAK).
PAK("PAK", TwoLetterCountryCode.PK),
* Panama (PAN).
PAN("PAN", TwoLetterCountryCode.PA),
* Pitcairninseln (PCN).
PCN("PCN", TwoLetterCountryCode.PN),
* Peru (PER).
PER("PER", TwoLetterCountryCode.PE),
* Philippinen (PHL).
PHL("PHL", TwoLetterCountryCode.PH),
* Palau (PLW).
PLW("PLW", TwoLetterCountryCode.PW),
* Papua-Neuguinea (PNG).
PNG("PNG", TwoLetterCountryCode.PG),
* Polen (POL).
POL("POL", TwoLetterCountryCode.PL),
* Puerto Rico (PRI).
PRI("PRI", TwoLetterCountryCode.PR),
* Nordkorea (PRK).
PRK("PRK", TwoLetterCountryCode.KP),
* Portugal (PRT).
PRT("PRT", TwoLetterCountryCode.PT),
* Paraguay (PRY).
PRY("PRY", TwoLetterCountryCode.PY),
* Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete (PSE).
PSE("PSE", TwoLetterCountryCode.PS),
* Französisch-Polynesien (PYF).
PYF("PYF", TwoLetterCountryCode.PF),
* Katar (QAT).
QAT("QAT", TwoLetterCountryCode.QA),
* Réunion (REU).
REU("REU", TwoLetterCountryCode.RE),
* Rumänien (ROU).
ROU("ROU", TwoLetterCountryCode.RO),
* Russland (RUS).
RUS("RUS", TwoLetterCountryCode.RU),
* Ruanda (RWA).
RWA("RWA", TwoLetterCountryCode.RW),
* Saudi-Arabien (SAU).
SAU("SAU", TwoLetterCountryCode.SA),
* Sudan (SDN).
SDN("SDN", TwoLetterCountryCode.SD),
* Senegal (SEN).
SEN("SEN", TwoLetterCountryCode.SN),
* Singapur (SGP).
SGP("SGP", TwoLetterCountryCode.SG),
* Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln (SGS).
SGS("SGS", TwoLetterCountryCode.GS),
* St. Helena (SHN).
SHN("SHN", TwoLetterCountryCode.SH),
* Spitzbergen und Jan Mayen (SJM).
SJM("SJM", TwoLetterCountryCode.SJ),
* Salomonen (SLB).
SLB("SLB", TwoLetterCountryCode.SB),
* Sierra Leone (SLE).
SLE("SLE", TwoLetterCountryCode.SL),
* El Salvador (SLV).
SLV("SLV", TwoLetterCountryCode.SV),
* San Marino (SMR).
SMR("SMR", TwoLetterCountryCode.SM),
* Somalia (SOM).
SOM("SOM", TwoLetterCountryCode.SO),
* St. Pierre und Miquelon (SPM).
SPM("SPM", TwoLetterCountryCode.PM),
* Serbien (SRB).
SRB("SRB", TwoLetterCountryCode.RS),
* Südsudan (SSD).
SSD("SSD", TwoLetterCountryCode.SS),
* São Tomé und Príncipe (STP).
STP("STP", TwoLetterCountryCode.ST),
* Suriname (SUR).
SUR("SUR", TwoLetterCountryCode.SR),
* Slowakei (SVK).
SVK("SVK", TwoLetterCountryCode.SK),
* Slowenien (SVN).
SVN("SVN", TwoLetterCountryCode.SI),
* Schweden (SWE).
SWE("SWE", TwoLetterCountryCode.SE),
* Swasiland (SWZ).
SWZ("SWZ", TwoLetterCountryCode.SZ),
* Sint Maarten (SXM).
SXM("SXM", TwoLetterCountryCode.SX),
* Seychellen (SYC).
SYC("SYC", TwoLetterCountryCode.SC),
* Syrien (SYR).
SYR("SYR", TwoLetterCountryCode.SY),
* Turks- und Caicosinseln (TCA).
TCA("TCA", TwoLetterCountryCode.TC),
* Tschad (TCD).
TCD("TCD", TwoLetterCountryCode.TD),
* Togo (TGO).
TGO("TGO", TwoLetterCountryCode.TG),
* Thailand (THA).
THA("THA", TwoLetterCountryCode.TH),
* Tadschikistan (TJK).
TJK("TJK", TwoLetterCountryCode.TJ),
* Tokelau (TKL).
TKL("TKL", TwoLetterCountryCode.TK),
* Turkmenistan (TKM).
TKM("TKM", TwoLetterCountryCode.TM),
* Timor-Leste (TLS).
TLS("TLS", TwoLetterCountryCode.TL),
* Tonga (TON).
TON("TON", TwoLetterCountryCode.TO),
* Trinidad und Tobago (TTO).
TTO("TTO", TwoLetterCountryCode.TT),
* Tunesien (TUN).
TUN("TUN", TwoLetterCountryCode.TN),
* Türkei (TUR).
TUR("TUR", TwoLetterCountryCode.TR),
* Tuvalu (TUV).
TUV("TUV", TwoLetterCountryCode.TV),
* Taiwan (TWN).
TWN("TWN", TwoLetterCountryCode.TW),
* Tansania (TZA).
TZA("TZA", TwoLetterCountryCode.TZ),
* Uganda (UGA).
UGA("UGA", TwoLetterCountryCode.UG),
* Ukraine (UKR).
UKR("UKR", TwoLetterCountryCode.UA),
* Amerikanische Überseeinseln (UMI).
UMI("UMI", TwoLetterCountryCode.UM),
* Uruguay (URY).
URY("URY", TwoLetterCountryCode.UY),
* Vereinigte Staaten (USA).
USA("USA", TwoLetterCountryCode.US),
* Usbekistan (UZB).
UZB("UZB", TwoLetterCountryCode.UZ),
* Vatikanstadt (VAT).
VAT("VAT", TwoLetterCountryCode.VA),
* St. Vincent und die Grenadinen (VCT).
VCT("VCT", TwoLetterCountryCode.VC),
* Venezuela (VEN).
VEN("VEN", TwoLetterCountryCode.VE),
* Britische Jungferninseln (VGB).
VGB("VGB", TwoLetterCountryCode.VG),
* Amerikanische Jungferninseln (VIR).
VIR("VIR", TwoLetterCountryCode.VI),
* Vietnam (VNM).
VNM("VNM", TwoLetterCountryCode.VN),
* Vanuatu (VUT).
VUT("VUT", TwoLetterCountryCode.VU),
* Wallis und Futuna (WLF).
WLF("WLF", TwoLetterCountryCode.WF),
* Samoa (WSM).
WSM("WSM", TwoLetterCountryCode.WS),
* Jemen (YEM).
YEM("YEM", TwoLetterCountryCode.YE),
* Südafrika (ZAF).
ZAF("ZAF", TwoLetterCountryCode.ZA),
* Sambia (ZMB).
ZMB("ZMB", TwoLetterCountryCode.ZM),
* Simbabwe (ZWE).
ZWE("ZWE", TwoLetterCountryCode.ZW);
private final String value;
private final TwoLetterCountryCode twoLetterCountryCode;
ThreeLetterCountryCode(final String value, final TwoLetterCountryCode twoLetterCountryCode) {
this.value = value;
this.twoLetterCountryCode = twoLetterCountryCode;
* Gets two letter country code.
* @return the two letter country code
public TwoLetterCountryCode getTwoLetterCountryCode() {
return twoLetterCountryCode;
* Has two letter country code boolean.
* @return the boolean
public boolean hasTwoLetterCountryCode() {
return twoLetterCountryCode != null;
public String toString() {
return value;
* To locale.
* @return the locale
public Locale toLocale() {
return Arrays
.filter(locale -> value.equalsIgnoreCase(locale.getISO3Country()))
.map(locale -> new Locale("", locale.getCountry()))
.orElseGet(() ->
.map(iso -> new Locale("", iso))
.filter(locale -> value.equalsIgnoreCase(locale.getISO3Country()))
.map(locale -> new Locale("", locale.getCountry()))
private boolean hasIsoCountry(final Locale locale) {
try {
return StringUtils.hasText(locale.getISO3Country());
} catch (MissingResourceException e) {
return false;
* From three letter country code.
* @param text the text
* @return the three letter country code
public static ThreeLetterCountryCode fromValue(final String text) {
return fromValue(text, null);
* From value three letter country code.
* @param text the text
* @param defaultCode the default code
* @return the three letter country code
public static ThreeLetterCountryCode fromValue(
final String text,
final ThreeLetterCountryCode defaultCode) {
String source = text != null ? text.trim().toUpperCase() : null;
if (source == null || source.length() < 2) {
return defaultCode;
source = source.replace("-", "_");
String[] parts = source.split(Pattern.quote("_"));
source = parts.length > 1 ? parts[1].trim() : parts[0].trim();
for (ThreeLetterCountryCode b : ThreeLetterCountryCode.values()) {
if (b.value.equals(source)
|| (b.twoLetterCountryCode != null && b.twoLetterCountryCode.toString().equals(source))) {
return b;
return defaultCode;
* From locale.
* @param locale the locale
* @return the three letter country code
public static ThreeLetterCountryCode fromLocale(final Locale locale) {
return fromLocale(locale, null);
* From locale three letter country code.
* @param locale the locale
* @param defaultCode the default code
* @return the three letter country code
public static ThreeLetterCountryCode fromLocale(
final Locale locale,
final ThreeLetterCountryCode defaultCode) {
if (locale == null || !StringUtils.hasText(locale.getISO3Country())) {
return defaultCode;
return fromValue(locale.getISO3Country(), defaultCode);