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All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AccessControlEntry Specifies a permission and who is granted.AccessControlEntryModifications Specifies modifications of an access control entry.AccessControlList Specifies permissions and who is granted.AccessControlListModifications Specifies modifications of an access control list.Address Address data.BoundingBox The bounding box of a geometry, feature or feature collection.Feature A Feature object represents a spatially bounded thing.Feature.TypeEnum The feature type.FeatureCollection A collection of features.FeatureCollection.TypeEnum The feature collection type.Geometry GeoJSON Geometry.Geometry.TypeEnum The geometry type.GeometryCollection GeoJSON GeometryCollection.Handler The handler where the exception occurred.JavaLocale Java locale model.JavaLocale.Separator The enum Separator.JavaLocaleDescription A java locale and it's description.JavaLocaleDescriptions Java locales and their descriptions.JavaLocales A list of java locales.LineString GeoJSON LineString.Link A link description.MongoSearchLanguage Languages supported by MongoDB.MultiLineString GeoJSON MultiLineString.MultiPoint GeoJSON MultiPoint.MultiPolygon GeoJSON MultiPolygon.PhoneNumber A phone number.Point GeoJSON Point.Polygon GeoJSON Polygon.Position The first two elements are longitude and latitude.RestApiException The serialized exception.StackTraceItem A stack trace element of an exception.ThreeLetterCountryCode ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3 country codes from Java Locale.ThreeLetterCountryCodes A list of ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-3 country codes.ThreeLetterLanguageCode ISO 639-2 language codes from Java Locale.ThreeLetterLanguageCodes A list of ISO 639-2 language codes.TimeZoneId Time zone ID.TimeZoneIds A list of time zone IDs.TwoLetterCountryCode ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 country codes from Java Locale.TwoLetterCountryCodes A list of ISO 3166-1 ALPHA-2 country codes.TwoLetterLanguageCode ISO 639-1 language codes from Java Locale.TwoLetterLanguageCodes A list of ISO 639-1 language codes.UnknownAware This base class allows to keep unknown json properties.