All Classes and Interfaces

The abstract service exception builder.
The reactive api exception handler.
The api exception handler autoconfiguration.
The api exception resolver.
The empty view.
The api exception resolver autoconfiguration.
This web client error decoder generates a RestApiResponseException from the error response.
The default web client error decoder auto configuration.
Marks an exception class or method with an error code ErrorCode.value() of the application.
Marker interface to get an error code.
Feign exception that stores the error payload as a RestApiException.
This error decoder produces either a FeignClientException or a RetryableException.
The feign client exception error decoder autoconfiguration.
The handler where the exception occurred.
The http servlet request id provider.
Marker interface to get the HTTP status code.
Builds instances of type ImmutableExceptionMapping.
Builds instances of type ImmutableExceptionMappingConfig.
Immutable implementation of RestApiExceptionMapperProperties.
The serialized exception.
Marker interface to get the RestApiException model.
The rest api exception constants.
Maps the error response into a RestApiException.
Configuration properties for the rest api exception handler or resolver.
The exception mapping config.
The exception mapping.
The implementation of a rest api exception mapper for spring web.
The rest api exception mapper autoconfiguration.
The implementation of a rest api exception mapper for spring web flux.
The rest api exception mapper autoconfiguration.
The rest api exception mapper properties.
The exception mapping.
The exception mapping config.
A http response parser that creates a RestApiException.
The rest api exception parser autoconfiguration.
The rest api exception parser autoconfiguration.
The default implementation of a http response parser that creates a RestApiException.
The rest api response error handler.
The rest api response exception.
The rest api response type.
The rest template error handler autoconfiguration.
General service exception with http status code and error code.
The service exception builder.
A stack trace element of an exception.
An error decoder for the WebClient.