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build(Throwable, String, Object) - Method in interface org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionMapper
Build the exception model from the exception, the requested path and an handler.
buildHttpHeaders(Map<String, ? extends Collection<String>>) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.HttpHeadersHelper
Build http headers.


canContentTypeBeJson(String) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Determine whether the given media type can be rendered as json.
canContentTypeBeXml(String) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Determine whether the given media type can be rendered as xml.
CLASS_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The header name for the 'class name' attribute.
CODE_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The header name for the 'code' attribute.


DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.bremersee.web.ErrorDetectors
Detects errors with an http status code 4xx or 5xx.
delete(MultipartFile) - Static method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
detectHttpStatus(Throwable, Object) - Method in interface org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionMapper
Detects the http status.


empty() - Static method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Empty file aware multipart file.
ErrorDetectors - Class in org.bremersee.web
A collection of error detectors.


FileAwareMultipartFile - Class in org.bremersee.web.multipart
The file aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(File, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new File aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(InputStream, File, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new File aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(InputStream, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new File aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(InputStream, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new File aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(Path, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new File aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(MultipartFile) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new file aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(MultipartFile, File) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new file aware multipart file.
FileAwareMultipartFile(MultipartFile, String) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
Instantiates a new file aware multipart file.
findContentType(List<MediaType>, MediaType) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Determine the content type from the given accepts header.


getApiPaths() - Method in interface org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionMapper
Gets the paths this mapper is responsible for.
getBytes() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
getContentCharset(HttpHeaders, Charset) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.HttpHeadersHelper
Gets content charset.
getContentType() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
getInputStream() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
getMultiValueHeaders() - Method in exception org.bremersee.exception.HttpClientException
getName() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
getOriginalFilename() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
getResource() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
getRestApiException() - Method in interface org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionAware
Gets rest api exception.
getSize() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile


HttpClientException - Exception in org.bremersee.exception
General http client exception.
HttpClientException(int, String, Map<String, ? extends Collection<String>>, RestApiException) - Constructor for exception org.bremersee.exception.HttpClientException
Instantiates a new http client exception.
HttpHeadersHelper - Class in org.bremersee.http
Helper to create http headers.


ID_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The header name for the 'id' attribute.
isAll(String) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Determine whether the given content type is all.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
isJson(String) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Determine whether the given content type is json.
isText(String) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Determine whether the given content type is text.
isXml(String) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Determine whether the given content type is xml.


MediaTypeHelper - Class in org.bremersee.http
The media type helper.
MESSAGE_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The header name for the 'message' attribute.


NO_CLASS_VALUE - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The default value of the 'class name attribute.
NO_ERROR_CODE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The default value of the 'code' attribute.
NO_ID_VALUE - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The default value of the 'id' attribute.
NO_MESSAGE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The default value of the 'message' attribute.


org.bremersee.exception - package org.bremersee.exception
org.bremersee.http - package org.bremersee.http
org.bremersee.web - package org.bremersee.web
org.bremersee.web.multipart - package org.bremersee.web.multipart


parseException(String, Map<String, ? extends Collection<String>>) - Method in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionParserImpl
parseHeaderValue(String) - Static method in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
Parse the 'timestamp' header value.


RestApiExceptionAware - Interface in org.bremersee.exception
Marker interface to get the RestApiException model.
RestApiExceptionMapper - Interface in org.bremersee.exception
Maps the error response into a RestApiException.
RestApiExceptionParser - Interface in org.bremersee.exception
A http response parser that creates a RestApiException.
RestApiExceptionParserImpl - Class in org.bremersee.exception
The default implementation of a http response parser that creates a RestApiException.
RestApiExceptionParserImpl() - Constructor for class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionParserImpl
RestApiExceptionParserImpl(ObjectMapper, XmlMapper) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionParserImpl
RestApiExceptionParserImpl(Jackson2ObjectMapperBuilder) - Constructor for class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionParserImpl
Instantiates a new rest api exception parser.
RestApiExceptionUtils - Class in org.bremersee.exception
Some utilities.


status() - Method in exception org.bremersee.exception.HttpClientException


TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The formatter of the timestamp value.
TIMESTAMP_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class org.bremersee.exception.RestApiExceptionUtils
The header name for the 'timestamp' attribute.
toString(List<MediaType>) - Static method in class org.bremersee.http.MediaTypeHelper
Creates a header value of the given media types.
transferTo(File) - Method in class org.bremersee.web.multipart.FileAwareMultipartFile
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