Class AbstractUserDetailsService

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractUserDetailsService

        public AbstractUserDetailsService​(String userBaseDn,
                                          String userFindOneFilter,
                                          org.ldaptive.SearchScope userFindOneSearchScope,
                                          String userAccountControlAttributeName,
                                          List<String> authorities,
                                          String authorityAttributeName,
                                          boolean authorityDn,
                                          Map<String,​String> authorityMap,
                                          String authorityPrefix)
        Instantiates a new abstract user details service.
        userBaseDn - the user base dn
        userFindOneFilter - the user find one filter
        userFindOneSearchScope - the user find one search scope
        userAccountControlAttributeName - the user account control attribute name
        authorities - the authorities
        authorityAttributeName - the authority attribute name
        authorityDn - the authority dn
        authorityMap - the authority map
        authorityPrefix - the authority prefix
    • Method Detail

      • returnAttributes

        protected Set<String> returnAttributes()
        Return attributes.
        the attributes
      • getUserDetailsLdapMapper

        protected<> getUserDetailsLdapMapper​(String userName)
        Gets user details mapper.
        userName - the user name
        the user details mapper