
 * Copyright 2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.bremersee.data.ldaptive;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.validation.constraints.Min;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Setter;
import lombok.ToString;
import org.bremersee.data.ldaptive.transcoder.UserAccountControlValueTranscoder;
import org.ldaptive.ReturnAttributes;
import org.ldaptive.SearchConnectionValidator;
import org.ldaptive.SearchRequest;
import org.ldaptive.SearchScope;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;

 * The ldap properties.
 * @author Christian Bremer
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "bremersee.ldaptive")
@ToString(exclude = {"bindCredentials"})
@EqualsAndHashCode(exclude = {"bindCredentials"})
public class LdaptiveProperties {

   * Specifies whether ldap connection should be configured or not.
  private boolean enabled = true;

   * Specifies whether an ldap user details service should be configured or not.
  private boolean authenticationEnabled = false;

   * URL to the LDAP(s).
  private String ldapUrl = "ldap://localhost:12389";

   * Duration of time that connects will block.
  private Duration connectTimeout = Duration.ofMinutes(1);

   * Duration of time to wait for responses.
  private Duration responseTimeout = Duration.ofMinutes(1);

   * Duration of time that operations will block on reconnects, should generally be longer than connect timeout.
  private Duration reconnectTimeout = Duration.ofMinutes(2);

   * Whether to automatically reconnect to the server when a connection is lost. Default is true.
  private boolean autoReconnect = true;

  private int reconnectAttempts = 5;

  private Duration reconnectBackoffDelay = Duration.ofSeconds(2);

  private double reconnectBackoffMultiplier = 1.;

   * Whether pending operations should be replayed after a reconnect. Default is true.
  private boolean autoReplay = true;

   * Connect to LDAP using startTLS.
  private boolean useStartTls;

   * Name of the trust certificates to use for the SSL connection.
  private String trustCertificates;

   * Name of the authentication certificate to use for the SSL connection.
  private String authenticationCertificate;

   * Name of the key to use for the SSL connection.
  private String authenticationKey;

   * DN to bind as before performing operations.
  private String bindDn;

   * Credential for the bind DN.
  private String bindCredentials;

   * Specifies whether the connection should be pooled or not. Default is {@code false}.
  private boolean pooled = false;

   * Duration to wait for an available connection.
  private Duration blockWaitTime = Duration.ofMinutes(1);

   * Minimum pool size.
  private int minPoolSize = 3;

   * Maximum pool size.
  private int maxPoolSize = 10;

   * Whether to connect to the ldap on connection creation.
  private boolean connectOnCreate = true;

   * Whether initialize should throw if pooling configuration requirements are not met.
  private boolean failFastInitialize = true;

   * Whether the ldap object should be validated when returned to the pool.
  private boolean validateOnCheckIn = false;

   * Whether the ldap object should be validated when given from the pool.
  private boolean validateOnCheckOut = false;

   * Whether the pool should be validated periodically.
  private boolean validatePeriodically = false;

   * Validation period.
  private Duration validatePeriod = Duration.ofMinutes(30);

   * Maximum length of time a connection validation should block.
  private Duration validateTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(5);

  private SearchValidatorProperties searchValidator = new SearchValidatorProperties();

   * Prune period.
  private Duration prunePeriod = Duration.ofMinutes(5);

   * Idle time.
  private Duration idleTime = Duration.ofMinutes(10);

  private UserDetailsProperties userDetails = new UserDetailsProperties();

   * Create search connection validator search connection validator.
   * @return the search connection validator
  public SearchConnectionValidator createSearchConnectionValidator() {
    return new SearchConnectionValidator(

   * The search validator properties.
  public static class SearchValidatorProperties {

    private SearchRequestProperties searchRequest = new SearchRequestProperties();

     * The search request properties.
    public static class SearchRequestProperties {

      private String baseDn;

      private SearchFilterProperties searchFilter = new SearchFilterProperties();

      private Integer sizeLimit;

      private SearchScope searchScope; // = SearchScope.ONELEVEL;

      private List<String> returnAttributes = new ArrayList<>();

       * Gets the return attributes as array.
       * @return the return attributes as array
      public String[] returnAttributesAsArray() {
        if (returnAttributes.isEmpty()) {
          return ReturnAttributes.NONE.value();
        return returnAttributes.toArray(new String[0]);

       * Create search request.
       * @return the search request
      public SearchRequest createSearchRequest() {
        SearchRequest searchRequest = new SearchRequest();
        searchRequest.setBaseDn(StringUtils.hasText(getBaseDn()) ? getBaseDn() : "");
        if (StringUtils.hasText(getSearchFilter().getFilter())) {
        if (getSearchScope() != null) {
        if (getSizeLimit() != null) {
        return searchRequest;

       * The search filter properties.
      public static class SearchFilterProperties {

        private String filter;


   * The user details properties.
  public static class UserDetailsProperties {

    private String userBaseDn;

    private String userFindOneFilter = "(&(objectClass=group)(sAMAccountName={0}))";

    private SearchScope userFindOneSearchScope = SearchScope.ONELEVEL;

    private String userAccountControlAttributeName = UserAccountControlValueTranscoder.ATTRIBUTE_NAME;

    private String authorityAttributeName = "memberOf";

    private boolean authorityDn = true;

    private List<String> authorities = new LinkedList<>();

    private Map<String, String> authorityMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

    private String authorityPrefix = "ROLE_";

    private String userPasswordAttributeName = "userPassword";

    private String userPasswordLabel = "SHA";

    private String userPasswordAlgorithm = "SHA";
