Class WebClientAccessTokenRetriever

    • Constructor Detail

      • WebClientAccessTokenRetriever

        public WebClientAccessTokenRetriever()
        Instantiates a new access token retriever that uses spring's web client.
      • WebClientAccessTokenRetriever

        public WebClientAccessTokenRetriever​(ReactiveAccessTokenCache accessTokenCache)
        Instantiates a new access token retriever that uses spring's web client.
        accessTokenCache - the access token cache
      • WebClientAccessTokenRetriever

        public WebClientAccessTokenRetriever​(org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient webClient)
        Instantiates a new access token retriever that uses spring's web client.
        webClient - the web client
      • WebClientAccessTokenRetriever

        public WebClientAccessTokenRetriever​(org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient webClient,
                                             ReactiveAccessTokenCache accessTokenCache)
        Instantiates a new access token retriever that uses spring's web client.
        webClient - the web client
        accessTokenCache - the access token cache
    • Method Detail

      • buildException

        public buildException​(org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse clientResponse,
                                                                                        String response)
        Description copied from interface: WebClientErrorDecoder
        Build exception.
        Specified by:
        buildException in interface WebClientErrorDecoder<>
        clientResponse - the client response
        response - the response
        the exception