Class MinioRepositoryImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MinioRepositoryImpl
    extends Object
    implements MinioRepository
    The minio repository implementation.
    Christian Bremer
    • Constructor Detail

      • MinioRepositoryImpl

        public MinioRepositoryImpl​(MinioOperations minioOperations,
                                   String region,
                                   String bucket,
                                   boolean enableVersioning,
                                   boolean create,
                                   Duration presignedObjectUrlDuration)
        Instantiates a new minio repository.
        minioOperations - the minio operations
        region - the region
        bucket - the bucket
        enableVersioning - the enable versioning
        create - the create
        presignedObjectUrlDuration - the presigned object url duration
      • MinioRepositoryImpl

        public MinioRepositoryImpl​(io.minio.MinioClient minioClient,
                                   String region,
                                   String bucket,
                                   boolean enableVersioning,
                                   boolean create,
                                   Duration presignedObjectUrlDuration)
        Instantiates a new minio repository.
        minioClient - the minio client
        region - the region
        bucket - the bucket
        enableVersioning - the enable versioning
        create - the create
        presignedObjectUrlDuration - the presigned object url duration